Продукти за bertoli bio (34)

БИО Релаксант

БИО Релаксант

Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants Ne pas dépasser la dose conseillée A consommer dans le cadre d’une alimentation variée et équilibrée et d’un mode de vie sain. Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes, aux enfants de moins de 12 ans, aux personnes souffrant d’allergie aux produits de la ruche. Contient de la caféine. Trace de céréales contenant du gluten, fruits à coques, sésame.


Our organic brand for everyone who appreciates the pure power of nature Out of passion for your health: bestvital®, the primal power of nature for your immune system – in the best organic quality. Daily stress, poor nutrition and a modern lifestyle weaken our immune system. We are increasingly exposed to viruses, bacteria and fungi. Colds, infections, intestinal dysfunction and neurological diseases are often the result. bestvital® BIO Colostrum enables everyone to have a naturally balanced and healthy diet at any time and has been doing so for over 20 years. Enriched with numerous vital and purely natural ingredients that are no longer sufficiently present in our daily diet. Where natural vital substances are missing, the best solution comes from nature itself. bestvital® has therefore always relied on the oldest recipe of all – pure first milk in unique organic quality and uses it to produce 100% natural products for a better quality of life and more energy.
Виолетта - Есенции за Пране

Виолетта - Есенции за Пране

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Violetta è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Simbolo della primavera è l’essenza madre della bella stagione. La sua fragranza, sprigiona sui capi un profumo appassionante ed intenso, la sua nota fiorita predomina e persiste a lungo. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo. Profuma Bucato Violetta è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Кожа+Косъм Vital - е напълно натурален хранителен добавка, която допринася за интензивно...

Кожа+Косъм Vital - е напълно натурален хранителен добавка, която допринася за интензивно...

Beckers Haut & Fell Vital ist ein rein natürliches Ergänzungsfuttermittel und trägt zur intensiven Versorgung mit vielen wichtigen Nährstoffen des Organismus bei. Zusammensetzung: Bierhefe (Getr.), Schwarzkümmelsamen, Seealgenmehl, Mariendistelfrüchte, Traubenkernmehr, Gingkoblätter, Brennesselblätter, Spirulina, Sanddornfrüchte. Analytische Bestandteile:Rohprotein 26,80%, Rohfett 10,30%, Rohasche 17,30%, Rohfaser 4,70%, Natrium 0,51% Fütterungsempfehlung: Hunde geben Sie einen 1/2 Teelöffel je 10 kg Körpergewicht über das Futter.
Европейска бяла бреза - Сушен обикновен брезов лист, Betula pendula folium

Европейска бяла бреза - Сушен обикновен брезов лист, Betula pendula folium

High quality white burch leaf for wholesale Birch leaves are widely used in cosmetology - they are included in shampoos and balms.Leaves are used in folk and scientific medicine. Essential oil, resinous substances, flavonoids, saponins (up to 3.2%), tannins (5-9%), ascorbic acid (up to 2.8%), essential oil (0.04-0.05%) were found in the leaves. ). We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine Type:Conventional Part of plant:Leaf Quantity:up to 15 tons per year Package:As required
MAXILIV ПРОБИОТИЦИ - Хранителна добавка (Саше)

MAXILIV ПРОБИОТИЦИ - Хранителна добавка (Саше)

ACTIVE INGREDIENT Saccharomyces Boulardii
Пипетен накрайник 50-1000 PP (син)

Пипетен накрайник 50-1000 PP (син)

Pipette Tip 50-1000 PP (blue)
Ние сме сертифицирани органични

Ние сме сертифицирани органични

Grâce à notre certification BIO, vous pouvez avoir votre propre gamme de biscuits BIO ! N'hésitez pas à nous consulter.


Préserver son microbiote intestinal est essentiel : Les probiotiques offrent la possibilité d'augmenter la population de bactéries bénéfiques dans le microbiote intestinal, ce qui peut entraîner une amélioration à divers niveaux tels que la régulation du transit, un regain d'énergie. Pourquoi prendre des Probiotiques ? Pour renforcer ses défenses immunitaires Pour Améliorer l’équilibre de sa flore intestinale, notamment après un traitement. Conditionné en gélules d'origine végétale : Notre produit est présenté en flacon de 60 gélules pratiques à avaler, ce qui facilite la prise et permet une utilisation optimale. Qualité supérieure garantie : Nos compléments alimentaires probiotiques sont fabriqués en France dans un laboratoire certifié. Cure de 2 mois 1 gélule le matin à jeun Ingrédients (Pour 1 gélule) : Mélange de bactéries, Agent d'enrobage : Hypromellose. Lactobacillus acidophilus : 0,5.10-9 (0,5 milliards UFC*)
Био Спирулина 1000 Mg - Имунитет

Био Спирулина 1000 Mg - Имунитет

Spiruline forte ultra concentrée Les Laboratoires Phytoceutic, experts des compléments alimentaires d’origine naturelle et BIO depuis plus de 30 ans, proposent un comprimé monocomposant 100% de Spiruline, sans aucun excipient, certifié BIO. Concentré à 1000 mg de Spiruline, il apporte la dose recommandée en seulement 2 à 4 comprimés par jour. Spiruline RAW La Spiruline Bio de Phytoceutic est dite "RAW", c'estàdire non soumise à traitement thermique supérieur à 42°C. SPIRULINE FORTE 1000 mg BIO complète de manière optimale l’alimentation en nutriments essentiels, notamment en protéines, idéale pour les végétariens et végétaliens et en accompagnement de régime minceur. Origine de la spiruline bio Inde. Mode de séchage de notre spiruline spray Drying (atomisation), le produit liquide est pulvérisé en petites gouttelettes qui vont aller à la rencontre de l’air chaud situé à l’intérieur d’un sécheur atomiseur.
Производител на Органичен Екстракт от Нар

Производител на Органичен Екстракт от Нар

Extrait de grenade fermenté 100% grenade BIO
BronchoVITAL - БИО хранителен прах за кучета - DE-ÖKO-007

BronchoVITAL - БИО хранителен прах за кучета - DE-ÖKO-007

VULFI's Pulver BronchoVITAL enthält schleimlösende Heilpflanzen zur Unterstützung deines Hundes mit leichten Atemwegsproblemen und trockenem Husten. MultiKomplexFormel: 15 ausgewählte Kräuter bei leichten Problemen mit den Atemwegen mit Andorn, Anis und Lindenblüten alle Zutaten in BIO-Qualität 200 Gramm Inhalt


Nous disposons de plusieurs références certifiées Bio appartenant à diverses catégories d'ingrédients : Correcteur de farine Améliorant pour brioche, viennoiserie Améliorant pour pain Améliorant pour précuit


Our varieties to produce energy are characterized by the high level of rusticity, the high performance and its positive effect for the environment. Winter Colza: Fricola: New generation "00" winter rapeseed. Excellent productivity and very regular in various growing conditions. Very good starting hardiness. Not too sensitive to elongation during early plantings. Mid-late flowering and maturity precocity. Medium size. Good weight of a thousand seeds that gives better chances in the emergence. Sow in cold areas during the first half of October and in warm areas up to the first half of November. It is recommended to seek 40-45 plants/m2 at the end of winter. Sow with 6-8 kg/ha to avoid emergence problems. Spring Colza: Valle de oro: ALTERNATIVE NEW VARIETY TO THE RAPESEED "00". High oil content. HARDINESS AND EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE. MEDITERRANEAN ALTERNATIVE TYPE It has achieved excellent results in production, exceeding more than 10% the currently most planted varieties.
Диталини - Паста

Диталини - Паста

Ditalini - Pâtes
Ergybiol - Виталност - Интелектуално Представяне

Ergybiol - Виталност - Интелектуално Представяне

ERGYBIOL, a general-use OLiGOMAX for the whole family combining all trace elements, thus contributing to the wellbeing of the body and of all of our cellular reactions. ERGYBIOL is a food supplement which combines all trace elements from sea water and from lithothamnion, a mineral-rich algae, as well as selected trace elements, contributing to the general wellbeing of the body. Copper supports the proper functioning of the immune system, selenium helps protect cells against oxidative stress and chromium supports the normal metabolism of macronutrients. Copper:0,2 mg (20 % NRV*) Selenium: 25 μg (45 % NRV*) Chromium:18 μg (45 % NRV*) Molybdenum :18 μg (36 % NRV*)
Песто алла Бронтезе 65% - шамфъстък 65%, слънчогледово масло, сол, пипер.

Песто алла Бронтезе 65% - шамфъстък 65%, слънчогледово масло, сол, пипер.

Pesto alla Brontese 65% - pistacchio 65%, olio di semi di girasole, sale, pepe.
Перлис лечение

Перлис лечение

Le traitement anti-reflets Perlis permet d'améliorer considérablement la transparence du verre pour procurer au porteur de réelles améliorations de contraste. Le contraste est l'une des caractérisitques essentielles pour le gain d'acuité visuelle. Ce traitement est déposé sous vide sur les deux faces du verre préalablement traité Hardis. Le traitement anti-reflets Perlis est très dur pour lutter contre les rayures mécaniques quotidiennes. L'ensemble de ces traitements sont effectués au sein de notre laboratoire de Lons-Le-Saunier.
Пелети от борова прах - Премиум дървесни пелети, Запитайте за опции за опаковане

Пелети от борова прах - Премиум дървесни пелети, Запитайте за опции за опаковане

All sawdust used for our pellet production is collected from reliable companies, wood is slowly dryed with our own patent pending dryer within 90 C degree, without any smoke, all nature of pine is %100 protected. Pine wood dust pellet. Premium A1 quality pine wood pellet.
Устойчиви Нити - рециклирани и устойчиви нити с GRS сертификат

Устойчиви Нити - рециклирани и устойчиви нити с GRS сертификат

Podjetje Beti d.d. ima GRS certifikat - Global Recycling Standard. Certifikat potrjuje našo trajnostno usmerjenost na družbenem, okoljskem in ekonomskem področju. GRS certifikat tudi zagotavlja popolno sledljivost recikliranih materialov. RECIKLIRANI IZDELKI: - visoko elastična, barvana reciklirana PA6 preja (100% reciklirana) - visoko elastična, barvana reciklirana PA66 preja - visoko elastičen, barvan recikliran PES (100% reciklirana)
ESSERA B - Борен Тор

ESSERA B - Борен Тор

Ethanolamin şelatlı ve suda kolay çözülebilen, bitkiler tarafından hızla alınabilen Bor(B) içermektedir. Meyve tutumunu arttırır ve Olgunlaşmasına yardımcı olur. Meyvelerde irileşememe problemini ve şekil bozukluklarını giderir. Bitkinin çevre koşullarına karşı olan direncini arttırır.
Приготвена Рататуй - Органични и Замразени Приготвени Ястия

Приготвена Рататуй - Органични и Замразени Приготвени Ястия

Ratatouille BIO cuisinée à l'huile d'olive et au basilic. Le produit est surgelé et conditionné dans un sachet. Poids:450gr
TBC - Трибутилов цитрат

TBC - Трибутилов цитрат

TBC is a very good plasticizer for PVC and cellulosic derivatives. TBC improves light stability and it has good solvating properties for rubber and PVC. Since it has good low temperature properties and also is a non-toxic plasticizer, it can be used in food contact applications.
Ribodiet® - ЧОВЕШКО ХРАНЕНЕ - Укрепване на имунитета с нуклеотиди

Ribodiet® - ЧОВЕШКО ХРАНЕНЕ - Укрепване на имунитета с нуклеотиди

New natural product extracted from yeast cell with standardized, highly controlled and gentle process organic solvent free. Nucleotides have been commercially used in human infant formulas for many years, as a way of improving gastric development and early immune function. Ribodiet® is a source of nucleotides, nucleosides, oligo nucleotides, ribonucleic acids fragments, aminoacids and vitamin B complex. All these nutrients represent a pool of active and beneficial ingredients. RIBODIET® suggested applications: Immune system, Gut barrier Health, Sport nutrition, Cognition/Concentration, Iron absorption.
Иберийски Сирена Росинант

Иберийски Сирена Росинант

Cheese made with pasteurised cow, goat and sheep´s milk (3 milk). Soft Iberico Cheese Rocinante - Aged 7 days. Semicured Iberico Cheese Rocinante - Aged 2 months. Cured Iberico Cheese Rocinante - Aged 6 months.
Микротръба SafeFit, 5,0 мл с капачка

Микротръба SafeFit, 5,0 мл с капачка

Micro Tube SafeFit, 5.0 ml with Cap
Пробирка, винтов капак, 20/76 мм, кръгло дъно, стоящ ръб

Пробирка, винтов капак, 20/76 мм, кръгло дъно, стоящ ръб

Test Tube, Screw Cap, 20/76 mm, Round Bottom, Standing Rim
Памучен апликатор 150 мм PP, малка глава

Памучен апликатор 150 мм PP, малка глава

Cotton Applicator 150 mm PP, Small Head
Разбъркваща шпатула 120 мм, Полистирен

Разбъркваща шпатула 120 мм, Полистирен

Stirring Spatula 120 mm, Polystyrene
Пипетен накрайник 0,1 - 20 PP (кристал)

Пипетен накрайник 0,1 - 20 PP (кристал)

Pipette Tip 0,1 - 20 PP (crystal)